Dependents Benefits

1) the written document which transfers title (ownership) or an interest in real property to another person. the deed must describe the real property, name the party transferring the property (grantor), the party receiving the property (grantee) and be signed by the grantor, who must then acknowledge before a notary public that he/she/it executed the deed. to complete the transfer (conveyance) the deed must be recorded in the office of the county recorder or recorder of deeds. there are two basic types of deeds: a warranty deed, which guarantees that the grantor owns title, and the quitclaim deed, which transfers only that interest in the real property which the grantor actually has. the quitclaim is often used among family members or from one joint owner to the other when there is little question about existing ownership, or just to clear the title. this is not to be confused with a deed of trust, which is a form of mortgage. 2) to transfer title by a written deed.