
1) to take or hold a suspected criminal with legal authority, as by a law enforcement officer. an arrest may be made legally based on a warrant issued by a court after receiving a sworn statement of probable cause to believe there has been a crime committed by this person, for an apparent crime committed in the presence of the arresting officer, or upon probable cause to believe a crime has been committed by that person. once the arrest has been made, the officer must give the arrestee his/her rights (“miranda rights”) at the first practical moment, and either cite the person to appear in court or bring him/her in to jail. a person arrested must be brought before a judge for arraignment in a short time (e.g. within two business days), and have his/her bail set. a private “security guard” cannot actually arrest someone except by citizen’s arrest, but can hold someone briefly until a law officer is summoned. a “citizen’s arrest” can be made by any person when a crime has been committed in his/her presence. however, such self-help arrests can lead to lawsuits for “false arrest” if proved to be mistaken, unjustified or involving unnecessary holding. 2) to delay the enforcement of a judgment by a judge while errors in the record are corrected.