
In law, a written pleading filed by a defendant to respond to a complaint in a lawsuit filed and served upon that defendant. an answer generally responds to each allegation in the complaint by denying or admitting it, or admitting in part and denying in part. the answer may also com- prise “affirmative defenses” including allegations which contradict the complaint or contain legal theories (like “unclean hands,” “contributory negligence” or “anticipatory breach”) which are intended to derail the claims in the complaint. sometimes the answer is in the form of a “general denial,” denying everything. the answer must be in typed form, follow specific rules of pleading established by law and the courts, and be filed with the court and served on the defendant within a specific statutory time (e.g. 20 or 30 days after service of the complaint). if the complaint is verified as under penalty of perjury, the answer must be also. there is a fairly steep filing fee for each defendant filing an answer. in short, if served a complaint, one should see a lawyer as soon as possible to prevent a default judgment.