How do I create a certified copy
affidavit for a non-recordable
document to apostille?

The exact certified copy affidavit verbiage below is what you must print out, then wet ink sign and get notarized by a Texas notary public (no other state or country notaries can be used) if you want to receive a Texas apostille certificate on any of the following non-recordable documents:
– Drivers licenses
– Non-driving state photo identification (ID) cards
– Passports
– Passport cards
– Visas
– Indian PAN cards
– Permanent Resident Cards (Green Cards)
– Social Security cards
– Corporate bylaws
– Board Resoultions or Board Managers
– Minutes To Meetings
– Bank statements, credit union statements, or financial statements
– Apartment or house rental leasing agreements (that can be used for Proof of Residency)
– U.S Coast Guard or military income and earning statements
– Tax return statements
– Employee paycheck stubs
– Utility bills
– Phone bills
– Cremation certificates (if not issued from a Texas city or county government agency)
– Insurance cards or insurance policy statements
– EIN confirmation number letters
– Social Security benefits verification letters
– Veterans Affairs benefits letters
– Vehicle registration tags and stickers
– Elementary school or high school diplomas (copies not original diplomas)
– Elementary school or high school transcripts (copies not original transcripts)
– General Educational Development (GED) diplomas (copies not original GED)
– College degrees and university degrees (copies not original diplomas)
– College transcripts and university transcripts (copies not original transcripts)
– Teacher certificates and teaching certificates (copies not original teaching certificates)
– And various other types of legal documents.
You copy/paste the below certified copy affidavit verbiage onto a blank Microsoft Word document then print it out.
Then you PRINT your full name (exactly how it’s spelled on your document) in the first blank field where it asks for the document holder’s name.
Then in the second blank field, you PRINT what the name or title of your document is.
Then you wet ink SIGN your name in front of a Texas notary public who will notarize the certified copy affidavit. You can drop your document off at our HQ office or mail us these four items to place a rush Texas apostille services order:
– A color or B/W photocopy of your non-recordable document or ID.
– The original signed and properly notarized certified copy affidavit that you attach (paperclip it together) to your document or ID photocopy.
– A prepaid return FedEx or UPS shipping label.
– Our completed Texas apostille order form.
Please note you need to make one certified copy affidavit for each non-recordable document that you want apostilled.
For example, say you need to apostille a passport copy and a driver’s license copy. In this case, you will need to create, sign, and get two of these certified copy affidavits notarized. One signed and notarized certified copy affidavit for each ID photocopy which can then be apostilled.
Click on the big PDF icon below that says, “CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD” to instantly download a copy of a certified copy affidavit template that you print out, wet ink sign, and then get it notarized by a Texas notary public.
Certified Copy Affidavit
On this ______ day of ___________________ , 20____,
I ___________________________________ (print document holder name) swear and attest that the attached document is a true, correct, and unaltered copy of my ____________________________, to which I am the custodian of the document, named therein; and that I presented the original of the attached document (s) to the undersigned notary public as satisfactory evidence.
(document holder signature)
State of Texas
County of ______________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me on the _____ day of ___________________, 20___,
by ________________________________ (print document holder name).
(Texas notary public signature)