Can I apostille a
document in Spanish?


The Texas Secretary of State will issue an apostille certificate on any non-recordable document that is in the Spanish language or any non-English language as long as it’s properly signed and notarized by a Texas notary public.

But the entire notary jurat or acknowledgment text that must be on your translated document must be in English it cannot be in Spanish or any other foreign language. If any of the notary jurat or acknowledgment text is in any language other than English your document will get rejected by the state for notary error.

If you have a Texas recordable document (birth certificate, death certificate, marriage license, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, divorce decree, TXDPS criminal background check, etc.) that has been translated into Spanish you must have the original English version attached to the Spanish copy and it must be properly signed by a translator and notarized by a Texas notary public.

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