Can a notary place a sticker or adhesive under their
notarization that can be peeled off my document?

No, they cannot.
If a Texas notary public places any sort of sticker, label, adhesive, or laminate material over or under any part of the notary jurat or acknowledgment text area and/or notary stamp which could be easily removed or peeled off by anyone your document will be rejected by the Texas Secretary of State for notary error.
If this happens you will have to redo the notarization properly and pay us a second time to reattempt to apostille your new document for you.
See the below example of this specific Texas notary public error and the subsequent rejection letter issued by the State of Texas.
As you can see this Texas notary public for some idiotic reason put a piece of clear adhesive under the entire notary jurat area and their notary stamp which is a different border and shade of color on this document (see arrows).
So anyone could peel off the adhesive material and the notarization and then say the document was never notarized. The Texas Secretary of State will always reject any document that has been incorrectly notarized like this.