How do I get a copy of my
identification or a verification
document apostilled or authenticated?

If you need a photocopy of your passport, passport card, driver’s license, military ID card, state identification card, permanent resident card (Green card), visa, bank statements, tax return statements, credit card statements, utility bills, apartment lease agreement, social security cards, social security benefits letters (SSA), veteran affairs benefits letters (VA) or phone bill apostilled or authenticated you must make and sign a certified copy affidavit in front of a Texas notary public.
You can highlight then copy and paste this exact certified copy affidavit statement verbiage (see below) onto a Microsoft Word document and along with a copy of your identification or document you can go get it notarized by any Texas public notary.
Once you’ve signed and got this certified copy affidavit notarized and made a color photocopy of your identification or verification document you can mail it or drop it off at our office so we can rush file it with the Texas Secretary of State within hours.
Click on the big PDF icon below that says, “CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD” to instantly download a certified copy affidavit that you print out, sign, and get notarized.
Certified Copy Affidavit
On this ________ day of ______________________ , 20____,
I _________________________________ (print document holder name)
swear and attest that the attached document is a true, correct, and unaltered copy of my original ____________________________________ (name of your document), to which I am the documents custodian, named therein; and that I presented the original of the attached document (s) to the undersigned notary public as satisfactory evidence.
(document holder signature)
State of Texas
County of ______________________
Sworn to and subscribed before me on the _______ day of _____________________________, 20____,
by ___________________________________ (print document holder name).
(Texas notary public signature)