How do I apostille
my US passport?

You can’t apostille your passport per se.
You can receive an apostille certificate once you make a copy of your passport and then sign and get notarized properly a certified copy affidavit.
This depends on a few factors.
First, what country do you need to submit an apostille or authentication on your U.S passport copy to?
If the country is part of The Hague Convention Treaty you will receive a state-level apostille certificate from the secretary of state of where the notary public you used to notarize your passport certified copy affidavit is licensed.
If the country is not part of The Hague Convention Treaty you will receive a state-level authentication certificate from the state where the notary public you used to notarize your passport certified copy affidavit is licensed.
Then you will take your state authentication certificate and file it at the U.S Department of State in Washington D.C. to receive a federal-level authentication certificate. Then once you receive the federal authentication certificate on your passport certified copy affidavit you can file it with the U.S foreign embassy or a consulate office of the country of origin where your documents are being sent to.