Can I drop my documents off at
your office instead of mailing them?

Yes, you or your representative can drop off documents at our office from 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (excluding all major holidays).
If you choose this route you will also need to download, sign, and drop off at our office depending on your situation our rush Texas apostille service order form, federal apostille service order form, and/or our embassy document legalization order form.
When you arrive at our office walk up to our front lobby receptionist desk area and tell them that you have some documents to drop off for Apostille Texas. Detailed directions and pictures of our office and office building are on our contact us page as well for you to view.
Please also understand your documents will not and cannot be apostilled or authenticated onsite at our office so this isn’t a walk-in service.
The only legal and government entity in Texas that can issue state-level apostille and authentication certificates is the Texas Secretary of State office which is where we will same business day hand file documents on your behalf.
The only legal and government entity in the United States that can issue federal-level apostille and authentication certificates is the U.S Department of State office in Washington D.C which is where we will rush file documents on your behalf.
The only legal and government entity in the United States that can issue international-level document legalization certificates is a U.S foreign embassy in Washington D.C (and some foreign consulate or consular offices around the country) which is where we will rush hand file documents on your behalf.