Apostille Donie

If you, your company, or your clients need a apostille in Donie Texas done fast (24 hours) same day apostille, attestation or embassy-consulate documentation legalization because you’re planning to live, work, go to school, teach, marry or get married, do business in, adopt children, or be a traveler to other countries, look no further.
Apostille Texas provides expedited apostille (also spelled apostil, apostile, apostill, apostilles or apostilla), authentication, attestation, and embassy legalization couriered filing services for people, organizations, businesses, and corporations located in Donie, TX or anywhere else in Texas, the United States, or the world.
Apostille in Donie

Our apostille trained ninja cowboy couriers will rush file (same day express service available) any type of personal, business, or corporate document originating in Texas at the Texas Secretary of State’s (TXSOS) office or file any type of federal document of non-Hague Convention country members documents at the United States of America Department of State’s (USDOS) office in Washington D.C. to be legalized, legalizes, apostilled, attested or authenticated.
Depending on your destination country being a Hague Apostille Convention Treaty Party (HCCH) member or not will determine if your next step is to go through the US foreign embassy or consulate document legalization process or just the state and/or federal apostille filing service steps.
A recordable document is a document that is issued by the State of Texas or a city or a county clerks entity, such as Texas birth certificates, marriage certificates or marriage licenses, death certificates, probated wills, judgments, divorce certificates or divorce decrees.
With any recordable document you must use our mail-in services to mail or walk-in services to drop off your original documents (it cannot be a photo copy) to receive an apostille for Texas and an apostille in TX.
Apostille Birth Certificate
Donie Texas

If you need a non-recordable document apostilled or authenticated, the document must be first be properly notarized by a Texas notary public before you can use our mail in services or walk in services to receive an apostille stamp/seal certification from the State of Texas authentications unit.
A non-recordable document is any type of document that is not issued by a city, state, or county entity such as Power of Attorneys, contracts, affidavits, medical or police records and release forms, most business or corporation documents, city, county, state criminal background checks, middle, elementary, grade, or high school and college transcripts, records, degrees and diplomas.
Please be aware that the notarizations on a non-recordable document if you want to receive a Texas apostille or authentication certification can only be performed by licensed Texas notaries.
No other country or state notary public can perform this notarial act on your document if you want to receive a apostille in Texas.
Apostille Services

The most common personal documents that people submit for the international document preparation processing for expedited state or federal apostille, attestation, authentication, certification and embassy legalization services…
- Adoption Agency Papers and Adoption Agencies Paperwork
- Affidavits, Consent Affidavit, Affidavit of Heirship, Affidavit Statements
- Heirloom or Ancestry Documents
- Amend Certificate of Birth and Amend Certificate of Death forms
- Judges, Justices, Lawyers, Attorneys, Barristers, Barristers at Law, Solicitors, Counselors, Notaries, Liaison Officers, Ambassadors, Attaché, Envoy Extraordinary, Minister Residents, Minister Plenipotentiary, Public Notary, Consular, Mediators, Intermediary, Negotiators, Process Servers, High Commission, Magistrates, Surrogates, Chancellors, Justice of The Peace Documents
- Certified True Copies, Notarized Copies, Notarial Copies, Photocopied Documents
- Pets and Animal Export and Exporting Documents, Pet Protection Agreements
- Affidavit of Genealogical Records or Genealogy Records
- Chapter 7, 11, 12 or 13 Bankruptcy or Foreclosure Documents
- Home Schools, Home Schooling, Home Studies Records
- Primary and Secondary School Report Cards
- Copy Certification by Document Custodian
- Credit Bureau and Credit Reporting Agencies Requests Forms
- Real Estate Broker/Brokerage, Realtor, Real Estate Agent Documents
- Exchange Students Abroad and Permission To Travel Documents
- Global and International Traveler or Traveling Documents
- Travel Agents, Travel Agency or Travel Agencies Documents
- Translated/Translations/Translator/Transcribed Documents
- Immigration and Naturalization Documents
- City/County/State/Regional/Federal Criminal Background Checks and Criminal Records
- FBI Criminal Background Checks
- FBI Criminal History Summary Checks
- DOJ Criminal Background Checks
- Personal Signature Verification
- Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Checks
- FBI Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (ASE&T) Application
- POA – Medical Power of Attorney, Limited Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, Statutory Power of Attorney, Springing Power of Attorney, Financial Power of Attorney, General Power of Attorney, Non-Durable Power of Attorney, Specific Power of Attorney, Special Power of Attorney, Revocation of Power of Attorney, Power of Attorney For Child, Health Care Power of Attorney
- Advance Health Care Directives
- Paternity, Maternity, Intended Parents, Parentage, Stepmother, Stepfather, Gestational Mother or Biological Father Documents
- Banks, Financials, Investments, Stocks, Bonds, Certificate of Deposits (CD), Money Markets, Savings, Checking, Treasury Bills, Futures, Options, Annuities, Stock Purchases, Mutual Funds, Hedge Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Forex, Commodities, 401K, IRA, Insurances, Lenders, Credit Unions and Mortgage Accounts Statements or Letters
- Bill of Sale or Bills of Sale
- Acknowledgement of Paternity Form
- Intent To Claim Paternity Form
- Acknowledgement of Paternity Inquiry RequestForm
- International Collectibles, Art, Paintings, Sculptures, and Artwork
- Birth Certificates (long, short, or abstract form versions)
- Birth Verification Letters, Birth Registration Record
- Protected (closed) Birth Certificate or Death Certificate
- Consular Report of Birth Abroad
- Certificate of Live Birth, Certification of Live Birth or Certifying Live Birth
- Divorce Decree, Divorce Certificate, Divorce Papers, Divorce Absolute
- Divorce Verification Letter, Divorce Records, Divorce Paperwork, Report of Divorce
- Annotation of Annulment or Divorce
- Wedding or Marriage License
- Marriage Verification Letter or Marriage Certificate
- Dissolution of Marriage Records
- Surviving Spouse of The Deceased Forms
- Church, Religion, Religious, Scriptures, Convent, Theological, Divinity, Temple, Bible, Koran, Torah, Mosque, Ministry, Rabbinical, Talmudical and Seminary Documents
- Affidavit by Physician After Completion of Gender Reassignment
- Affidavit for a New Birth Certificate After Completion of Gender Reassignment
- Civil Union or Domestic Partnership Papers
- Free Status Certificate or Certificate of Status
- Death Certificates or Death Verification Letters
- Incapacity, Intestacy or Inheritance Documents
- Small Estate Affidavit
- Assignment of Rights
- Affidavit of Domicile
- Do-it-Yourself, Create a Will, Willmaker, Will Maker, Online Will, Make Your Own Will or Template Wills and Trusts Form Kits
- English Second Language Teaching/Teacher programs (ESL, EPIK, GEPIK, TALK)
- Teaching/Teacher/Professor/Tutor Certificate, Certification, Credentials
- Passports, Passport and Visa Photos, Passport Card, Visa Application or Social Security Card Photocopys
- Social Security Income and Benefit Verification Letters
- Business Visit Visa, Employment Visa, Student Visa, Residence Visa, Family Visit Visas, Tourist Visa, Tourism Visa, or Visa Clearance Letter
- Permanent Resident Card or Green Card Photocopy
- State-Issued Driver’s License or State-Issued Non-Driving Identification Card Photocopy
- International Driver’s or Learners Permit Photocopy’s
- Military and DOD Common Access Card Photocopy
- Concealed Handgun License (CHL) ID Card Photo copy
- Voter Registration Card or Draft Record Photocopies
- Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer, Garbage, Cable, Telephone, Internet, Public Utilities or Utility Bills
- Military, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Armed Services, and Armed Forces Service Records
- Native American Tribal Documents
- Documents for Transportation of the Deceased
- Minor Child Travel Consent Letter or Letter of Consent For Travel of A Minor Child
- Guardianship, Appointment of Guardian, Legitimation or Legal Representation Documents
- Big Game, Hunting, Trophy, Hunter Foreign Game Animals Reserve Permits
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Authorization Form
- Affidavit by Biological Father or Affidavit by Biological Mother
- Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights
- Termination or Terminating of Parental Rights
- Evaluation of Foreign Education Credentials for USA
- County, City, Parish, and District Clerks Documents
- Resumes, Cover Sheets and Cover Letters
- Disinterment Permit
- Next of Kin Documents
- Letter of Resignation
- Certificate of Authenticity
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Court AdministratorsDocuments
- Graduation or Graduate/Undergraduate Certificates
- Identity or Identifying Documents
- Letter of Invitations for USA Visa
- Documents for Avoiding Double Taxation
- Certificate of Good Conduct
- Deeds of Assignment or Deeds of Title
- Hospital, Clinic, Urgent Care, EMS or Fire Department Records
- Police Certificate or Police Clearance Records Report
- Sheriff or Constable Police Records Reports
- Certified U.S Driving, Driver Abstract and DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) or MVC (Motor Vehicle Commissioned) Records
- Vehicles, Auto, Motorcycles, Motorhomes, Mobile Homes, Park Models, Trailers, Campers, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Tractor Chains, All-Terrain Vehicle (ATF), Trucks, Semi Rig, Eighteen Wheeler, Vans, Cars Titles, Transfers, Registrations or Histories
- Prison, Prisoner, Convict, Detainee, Jail, or Inmate Documents and ID’s
- Medical, Health, Laboratory, Doctors, Physicians, Physician Assistants (PA), Nurse Practitioners (NP), Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) Records, Tests and Transcripts
- Medical Fitness Certificates
- Private, Sealed and Confidential Fiduciary Agreements
- Declaration of Domestic Partnership
- Single Status or Single Proof Affidavit or Affidavit of Single Status
- Affidavit of Eligibility to Marry
- Certificate of Non-Impediment
- Certificate of Non-Marital Status
- Certification of Nonexistence of Record
- Certificate of No Marriage Record or No Record of a Marriage
- Proof of Citizenship, Expat, Expatriate, Foreign Nationals, Residence or Residency
- Livescans, Fingerprinting, FD-258 Fingerprint Cards and Biometric Records
- Personal or Business References
- Consignment Contracts
- Academic, academia,and Educational Proof of Accreditation Credentials For Use Abroad
- College/University/Community, Junior or Online Colleges/Institute/Vocational/Trade School Degree or Diploma (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D./Doctorate Degrees)
- Bachelor of Science (S.BS, B.S., BSc or Bc), Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA, B.F.A.), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA or B.B.A.), Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- College/Universities/Institution/Vocational/Trade School Transcripts
- High/Middle/Grades/Junior and Senior High/Secondary/ Elementary/Grammar/Primary/Preparatory/Dance/Music/Reform
- K-12/Boarding/Academy/ Conservatory/Finishing/Charm/School Diplomas/
- High/Middle/Grades/Junior and Senior High/Secondary/Campus Elementary/Grammar/Primary/Preparatory/Dance/Music/Reform/
- K-12/Boarding/Academy/Conservatory/Finishing/Charm School/Pupil/Scholar/Scholastic/Scholarship Transcripts
- Any Type of Recorded Transcript
- Request a Transcript or Transcript Requests
- Election Identification Certificate (EIC)
- Vital Statistics Unit (VSU), State Registrar and Local Registrars, Vital Records Officer, VitalChek or TER
- Probated Wills (Simple, Statutory, Pour-Over, Conditional, Contingent, Reciprocal, Mirror, Joint, Mutual, Holographic, Oral, Nuncupative or Living Will)
- Trusts (Living, Grantor, Revocable Living, Special Needs, Irrevocable Living, Inter Vivos, Testamentary, Marital, Blind, Land, Asset Protection Trusts, Amendment To Living Trust)
- Funeral Home, Funeral Director Funeral Parlor, Sexton, Mortuary, Plot, Burial, Cemetery, Coroners, Medical Examiners, Medical Certifiers and Deceased Records
- Crematorium, Cremation, Cremator, Crematories or Retort Records
- Judgments or Liens
- Residential leases industrial leases or commercial leases
- Artillery, ammunition, weaponry, NRA (National Rifle Association), GOA (Gun Owners of America) permits and licensing paperwork
- Letters of Testamentary, Letterof Administration or Letter of Representation
- Prenuptial or Separation Agreements
- Common Law Partnership Agreements
- Form 1040, 1098, 1099, W-2, W-4, Taxes, Tax Returns, Tax Statements and Records
- Property, Land, or Home Transfer and Selling
- Employers, Employees Form I-9, I9 Employment Eligibility Verification, Electronic Verification System, EVerify, E-Verify Employer Agent, I-9 Form Authorized Representative Agents, Remote Employees, I-9 Form, Form I-9
- Occupation/Occupational Records
- Immunization Records
- Vaccines and Vaccination Records
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Custodian of Records (COR) Documents
- Relocation Firms and Moving Company Documents
- Personal Legal Name Change Documents
- Verify Change of Personal Information Form
- Letters of Acceptance, Letters of Attendance, Letters of Approval
- Internship Acceptance and Completion Letters
- Verification of Graduation Letters or Official Admissions Letters
- Certificates of No Impediment
- Class Schedules, Academic Grade Sheets, Course Descriptions and Catalog Lists
Donie Apostille Services

The most common business and corporate documents that companies submit for the international document preparation process for expediting state or federal apostille, attestations, authentications, certifications and embassy or consulate legalization services…
- Agreements
- Sworn Statements, Jurats, Acknowledgments and Oaths
- Corporate Bylaws or Corporation By Laws
- Merger, Trade and Acquisition Agreements
- Prices, Pricing, Costs and Formal Fees Quotes Structure Lists
- Accounting, Accountant, Accountancy Documents
- Association, Affiliation, Coalition, Alliance, League, Guild, Consortium, Union, Non-Profit Group Organizations
- Member and Membership Documentation
- Arbitrators, Arbitration, Sole Arbitrators, Arbitral Tribunal, Arbitration Tribunal Documents
- Corporate Memorandums or Memo
- Disclosures and Non-Disclosures Agreements
- Registry of Joint Stock
- European Union (EU), United Nations (UN), or North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) documentation
- Apprentice or Registered Apprenticeship Documents
- Joint Venture (JV) Agreements
- Necessary Vacation Abroad or Cruise Passenger Required Travel Documents
- Release of Waiver Agreements
- Consulate, Consular, Consul, Consulate General, Consul-General, Honorary Consul,
Embassy, Embassies Documentation - Appraiser/Appraisal/Assessors/Assessment Documents
- Inspector, Inspection, Evaluation, Evaluator, Examination Documents
- Verified Standard Privacy Procedure and Protocol Policies
- Preparation of Corporate Documents for Joint Stock Company
- Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- S-Corp, C-Corp and Sole Proprietorship
- Assumed Filed Name Certificates
- DBA (Doing Business As) Certificate
- Sovereign Immunity Documents
- State of Origin Letters
- Shipper’s Letter of Instruction
- LLC Operating Agreement
- Articles of Incorporation
- Articles of Organization
- Articles of Dissolution
- Articles of Merger
- Technical Data Sheets and Checklists
- Translated, Translate, Translator, Translation Documents
- Certificate of Foreign Government (CFG)
- Sanitary Certification For Exports/Imports
- Exportation of Products For Sale Overseas
- Oil, Natural Gas, Solar, Water, Wind, Wells, Drilling, Cellphone and Powerline Towers, Minerals and Mining Rights, Leases, Leasing and Contracts
- Certificates of Good Standing
- Minutes of Board Meetings
- Certificate of Free Sales (CFS)
- ISO Certificate (International Organization for Standardization)
- Department of State Health Services Documents
- FDA Certificate
- Coast Guard Documentation
- Letters of Disposition
- State and Federal Courts of Appeals, Bankruptcy, Veterans Claims, Superior, Armed Forces, Tax, Appellate, Military, Trial, Clerk of the Court, Constitutional, Ecclesiastical, Martial, International Trade, Small Claims, Circuit, District and Supreme Court Jurisdiction Documents
- Authorization of Agent
- Preparation of Corporate Documents For a Branch or Representative Offices
- Research, Obtaining, Preparation and Retrieval of Documents
- Architect, Architecture, Architectural, CAD, 2D-3D, Interactive, Drawings, Diagrams, Pre-Fabrication, Infrastructure, Frameworks, Illustrations, Assemblies, Designs and Construction Blueprints
- Distributors, Distributing or Distribution Agreements
- Authorize Applicant Agreements
- Appointment of Distributor
- Appointment of Agents or Appointment of Advisors
- General Corporate or Personal Agreements
- GMP Certificate
- Company or Corporate Petition For Name Change
- Certificates of Amendment
- Corporate Board Resolution
- Chamber of Commerce (COC), Better Business Bureau (BBB), National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
- Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product (CPP)
- Letter of Invitation or Letter of Intent
- Letter of Expedite or Letter of Guarantee
- Letter of Authorizations
- Letters of Debt
- Foreign Party of Foreign Authority Documentation
- International Currency/Coin/Precious Metals/Gold Exchange Rates, Values and Transaction
- Audits, Auditing, Auditors Documents
- Billing, Invoicing, Invoiced Receipts
- Certified Public Accounting (CPA) documents
- Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
- Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- The United State Social Security Administration (SSA)
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- Department of Defense (DOD)
- Department of Justice (DOJ)
- Department of Education (ED)
- Department of Commerce (USDOC)
- Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Department of the Interior (DOI)
- Department of Labor (DOL)
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Department of Transportation (USDOT)
- Department of the Treasury (DOTRES)
- Coast Guard (USCG)
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
- Certificate of Analysis
- National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
- Shipping/Ships/Cargo/Container/Crate/Boats/Vessels/Watercraft/Trip/Freighter/Freight/Oreboats/Oil Tanker/Super Tanker/Charter/Harbor/Ocean/Lake/River/Open Water Records and Log Books
- Aircraft/Airplanes/Private Planes and Jets/Trains/Trucks/Helicopters/Drones/Missiles/Satellites Documents
- Proof of Ownership
- Custom Clearance Documentation
- Certificate of Free Sale
- Job Policy Certifications
- United States Patents and Patent Applications
- Provisional Patent Application, Logos, Slogans, Jingles, Taglines, Copyright and Trademark Assignments
- Trademarks, Trademark Applications, Trademark Cease and Desist Letter
- Copyright and Copyright Applications
- Certificate of Incorporation (Inc.)
- Certificate of Amendment
- Certificate of Incumbency
- Legalize Corporate Resolution
- Promissory Note
- USDA Animal Health Certificates and Certifications
- Export Certificate for Animal Products
- Phytosanitary Certificate or Plant Certifications
- Regulatory Documents for Avoiding Double Taxation
- IRS Form 6166
- Bill of Lading
- Apostille Order Form 2102 or Request of Authentications Service DS-4194
- Certificate of Origin (COO)
- Certificate of Assignment (COA)
- Certificate of Fact (COF)
- Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural or Residential Invoices
- Corporate/Incorporate Forms
- Forming Corporations in U.S.A
- Business Licenses, Licensing, Licensee
- Business Registration, Registering, Registrant
- Business Permits, Permitting, Permittee
- Certificate of Existence
- Certificate of Limited Partnership
- Certificate of Filing
- Certificate of Registration
- Change of Registered Agent, Resident Agent, Statutory Agent
- Appointment of Registered Agent
- Articles of Certificate of Formation
- Admiralty and Maritime Law Documents
- Importer or Exporter Documents
- Certificate of Exportability (COA) or Certificate of Export
- Justice Ministry or Foreign Ministry Documents
- Medical Device and Cosmetic Dossier Documents
- Product Packaging, Packing, Samples, Sampling Lists
- Tools, Devices, Machines, Instruments, Apparatus and Equipment Documentation
- Diplomat, Diplomatic or Diplomacy Documentation
- Trainee, Trainer and Traineeships Documents
Donie Apostille

For quicker apostillization service information, pricing, and to online order, please click on our Texas apostille services or federal apostille services or embassy legalization services pages.