Using FedEx Electronic Trade Documents Feature To Mail
Apostilled Documents

We just found out today that you can bypass the normal four pages of FedEx international shipping labels that you have to create, buy, and mail, or email us so we can mail your apostilled documents back to you.

If you use the FedEx ETD feature which stands for Electronic Trade Documents you only have to mail or email us one single shipping label page, not the typical four pages.

From FedEx’s website:
With FedEx Electronic Trade Documents, you can:
  • Transmit customs documents generated by FedEx, or upload your own customs documents as files or images created on your own systems in your preferred file format (e.g., PDF, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel, scanned image, etc.). Either way, documents are submitted electronically.

  • Submit customs documents without printing paper copies and placing them in the pouch attached to your shipment. This streamlines your document submission time and reduces the risk of lost, missing or damaged documentation.

  • Add a company letterhead and signature image to the FedEx generated Commercial Invoice or Pro Forma Invoice.

  • Gain additional time to resolve issues with customs documents, such as missing information, before shipment arrival.

  • Set preferences to simplify completion of the Customs screen.
  • Set defaults for the customs documents you upload.

  • Turn the solution on and off as needed.

  • Use FedEx Electronic Trade Documents to submit your Commercial Invoice electronically for FedEx International Ground® shipments to Canada.

  • Submit customs documents to FedEx for future-day shipments or any date from today’s date to 10 days in the future.

  • Produce end-of-day and ad hoc reports for FedEx Electronic Trade Documents shipments, including the FedEx Ground Batch Upload Failure Report, FedEx Express Batch Upload Failure Report, FedEx Express ETD Shipment Report and FedEx Ground ETD Shipment Report.”

You can go here to learn how to sign up and do this.


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