New Texas Secretary of State Christmas Holidays Closed Hours

The Texas Secretary of State based in Austin, TX announced today it’s Christmas and end of year New Year’s closed hours schedule.

The Texas Secretary of State will be closed for the holidays between Friday, December 22nd through Tuesday, December 26th.

Then reopen for only TWO DAYS on Wednesday December 27th and Thursday December 28th then close down again on Friday December 29th through January 2nd, 2024.

This means you only have tomorrow (Friday December 15th), then four business days next week and two business days the following week to apostille any personal, business, or corporate documents you have by the end of this year.

Also, FedEx, UPS, DHL, or USPS delay and lose deliveries the most this time of year so plan accordingly when mailing documents to use to apostille for you.

Merry Christmas

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