How To Apostille a Texas Juvenile Probation Letter

We got a request today from a customer that needs to get a Texas juvenile probation letter apostilled by the Texas Secretary of State.

You can go here to the official Texas juvenile justice department website.

We’ve never seen this document before and didn’t know if the state would consider this a recordable document (doesn’t need to be notarized) or a non-recordable document (must be notarized) so we printed out the copy we were emailed and talked with the supervisor over the authentications unit in person.

This is the type of unparalleled customer service that we do for all our potential customers and customers alike.

She took the document and went back into her office to do a state database search. She came back and said the state considers this document a non-recordable document so our client must create and complete a certified copy affidavit (use our template below) then sign the affidavit in front of a Texas notary and then send us the notarized affidavit and a copy of the original document.


 Certified Copy Affidavit

On this ________ day of ______________________ , 20____,
I ____________________ (document holders name) swear and attest that the attached document is a true, correct, and unaltered copy of a Texas juvenile probation letter, to which I am the documents custodian, named therein; and that I presented the original of the attached document (s) to the undersigned notary public as satisfactory evidence.

(Affiant/custodian holder signature)


State of Texas

County of ______________________

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the _______ day of _____________________________, 20____,
by ________________________________ (bank holders name).


Texas notary public signature


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