Criminal History Conviction
Name Search Apostille Texas

If you mail us this printed out Criminal History Conviction Name Search that you got online to get apostilled it will be rejected by the Texas Secretary of State because it cannot be apostilled as-is.
Not to mention even if it could be apostilled virtually no foreign country in the world is going to accept this as legitimate proof of having no criminal record or proof of getting a background check.
All foreign countries usually require an official state (Texas DPS issued) or federal (USDOS issued) criminal background check for passport, visa, marriage, living abroad, and school abroad purposes.
With that said if you make and get notarized by a Texas notary public a certified copy affidavit (example to use and download on our website) and attach your search results page to the affidavit. We have been told by a Texas Secretary of State employee that they will in fact issue an apostille certificate on the notarized affidavit that you make.
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