When Do I Pay You If I Choose To Use PayPal?

If you want to pay us via PayPal instead of with a credit card you will need to send us payment via PayPal on the same day that you mail your documents to us or if a high school or college is mailing us directly your notarized diploma, degree, or transcripts. We must receive your full payment, a prepaid return FedEx or UPS shipping label, and our apostille order form via email BEFORE we receive your documents by mail or drop off.
In the optional notes section on PayPal just type in “apostille service for XYZ (insert the foreign country that you are submitting your document to)” and then type in what type of document you need apostilled and who’s name is listed on the document if it’s not your name.
This is how we’ll match up your email order paperwork with the documents that you mail us separately which won’t have our order form along with it.